BSF Monday Night Women's Bible Study
Every Monday
7:00pm – 8:15pm
Coordinator: Martha Dougherty
Martha Dougherty facilitates this Bible Study Fellowship class for women on Mondays at 7:99 pm in the Kinloch room. It is a free, year-long class. New attendees are welcome at any time during the year.
This year Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) will be focusing on the Gospel of John. BSF’s Mission is to provide global, in-depth Bible classes that produce passionate commitment to Christ, His Word and His Church. BSF studies go chapter by chapter, verse by verse so our class members gain a better understanding of the passages and a more thorough knowledge of God. Come and see. We would love to have you join us!
To register go to (find a group).
More more information on the class, contact Martha at
For more information on Bible Study Fellowship, please check out their website: