Feel disconnected? Want to build real friendships? Want to learn more about your faith? Want to live life as God intended it? Then Life Groups are perfect for you.

Join an Open Life Group

What are “Life Groups”?

Life Groups are communities of 6 to 12 people that get together at least once every two weeks to do three things:

1.  Go UP to God through Bible study and prayer,

2.  Go IN to community by building strong, true, authentic Christ-based relationships amongst Life Group members, and

3.  Go OUT to the world by encouraging and equipping each other to be ambassadors of Jesus Christ where we live, work, play and learn.

How are Life Groups organized?

Most of our Life Groups made up of people in the same station in life (such as similar ages and family status), and most groups have both men and women in them.  We also have groups that are just men and just women.  These groups tend to be more diverse in age and station in life.

How do I get into a Life Group?

If you are 18 or older, there are two ways of joining a Life Group.

The first way is to take the Alpha Course at St. Michael’s.  Most Life Groups are born out of the Alpha Course, so the best place to start is by taking Alpha.

Sign Up for Alpha

While you can join a Life Group without taking Alpha first, we strongly encourage that you do take Alpha.

We do have some Life Groups that are open to anyone at anytime.

Join an open Life Group

Monday: 12:30 pm Men's Lunchtime Bible Study

Joe Nicholson is facilitating this men's group in The Parlor (next to the reception area in the Hewitt Building). Bring your own lunch, if desired. They are currently discussing the book Discussion Guide to Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis, by C. S. Lewis College.

For more information, please contact Joe at joe@nicholsonwmg.com.

Monday: 6:45 pm Women's Evening Group

Martha Dougherty will once again facilitate a Bible Study Fellowship group, beginning Monday, September 11. New attendees are welcome at any time during the year. Participants will need to register at bsfinternational.org. Click on Find a Class, and follow the prompts.  For more information, contact Martha at doughertym2@gmail.com.

Tuesday: 9:45 am Women's Bible Study

This group facilitated by Mary Ables is currently studying Trustworthy, A Study of 1 and 2 Kings by Lisa TerKeurst. They meet in Room 204, on the 2nd floor of the Belser Building. For more information, please contact Mary Ables at mables7373@gmail.com.

Are you interested in Starting or Leading a Life Group?

Leading a Life Group is a great next step in your spiritual formation. Leading a Life Group is a big step for you personally, and it is also a key role in the life of St. Michael’s. Because it’s so important, we want to do everything possible to equip you to lead well. If you are interested in starting a new Life Group or assuming a leadership role in your current group, we’d love to begin that conversation with you.  

Contact Greg Smith at greg@stmichaelschurch.net