Join us for worship this holiday season!  Christmas Eve Services 4, 6 and 11 pm  |  Christmas Day Service, 10 am


members landing page with hyperlinks

Welcome Parishioners!

This webpage should be your first stop on our website. Here you will find brief information and links (for livestream, videos, or more information) on everything that is happening at St Michael's. This page is updated frequently, so keep checking in, so you won't miss a thing! Words and phrases in blue are links to more information or to email.

Sign up for our weekly digital newsletter, the eMessenger! We email it out every Friday afternoon, full of information about what's happening at St.Michael's. To get added to our list, please email Kara at . You can check out past newsletters here: Messenger Archive

SIGN UP! We are making it easier to sign up for events and ministries! Go to our dedicated sign up page: and find links to sign up for any of our ministries!

Please click on News and Events at the top of this page to see about the latest happenings!


This Sunday, July 14, 2024  - Pentecost 8

Scriptures for this Sunday:  Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 32:1-7; Luke 7:37-50

We need you!  We need worship volunteers! Please let us know you are willing to serve by clicking on this link: Volunteer Signup. 

Videos of past services can be found on our YouTube Channel: Michael's Church Charleston.

Sunday School - 10:00 am in the Belser Building

Adult Sunday School 

  • COMBINED Adults – lecture-based class in the Kinloch Room (1st floor Belser Building).  8-25-23 Handout  Tim Surratt is teaching this week.

Children & Youth Sunday School 

  • Youth (6th - 12th grades) in Room 201 with Sherif Yacoub. The topic this week is Spiderman and the gifts of the Holy Spirit
  • K - 5th grade is on summer break. Look for fun activites this summer!
  • Nursery (6 weeks - 4 years) in Noah's Nursery

Would you like to help with Sunday School? Then please click this link and let us know! Sunday School Helpers

Recordings of past Adult Sunday School classes with Bill Hyer can be found on our YouTube Channel: Michael's Church Charleston.


July 19    Family Movie Night  5:30 - 8:30 pm in the Kinloch Room.

July 23     Lemonade for Mission   

August 9  Parents Night Out  5:30 - 8:30 pm in the Kinloch Room. Drop off the kids and have a date night!

Noah's Nursery for 6 weeks - 4 years, Sundays, 8:45 am - 12:30 pm

Children's Sunday School - Children ages K - 5th grade are on summer break. Stay tuned for information on movie nights, activities, and more!

For more information on Children's Ministry, please see our Children's Ministry webpage or contact Dee Goehring, our Director of Children's Ministry,

Youth    6th - 12 grades

June 23         Youth Bowliing  5:30 - 7:30 pm at The Alley, 131 Columbus Street

July 16 - 20   Soul in the City  Youth on mission in the Charleston area   

Youth Sunday School for 6th - 12 grades is in Room 201 at 10:00 am on Sundays. Dr. Sherif Yacoub will be leading Youth Sunday School this summer.

Youth Group is taking a break for the summer, and will resume again on September 10.

Super Wednesday

Super Wednesday is taking a break for the summer. We will start back on Wednesday, September 6, 2023. Keep checking our Super Wednesday page for details!

You can find links to all of our previous Super Wednesday and other recorded teachings on this page: Previous Super Wednesday Teaching


Have questions about our faith? Want to go deeper in your relationship with God? Start with the Alpha Course. Our next Alpha will start in September.  Link to Alpha page.

Men's Ministry

Men's Bible Study, Wednesdays, 7:30 am  September 7, 2022 - May 2023. This men's group study will be facilitated by Mark Fitzpatrick, George Klein, and Jim Smith. This winter/spring the group will study the readings of Paul. 


For more information about the choir, praise band, or all things musical, please see the Music webpage.   


There are four ways to give:

  1. Please text GIVE or VENMO to 843-258-4445

  2. Give online on our website. Click on the Giving link at the top of the page.

  3. Mail your tithe or offering to St. Michael's Church, 71 Broad St., Charleston, SC 29401
  4. On Sunday mornings, just drop it in the offering plate!

Click on this link and print out the Giving Card for your 2023 pledge!  Giving Card 2023

The St. Michael’s Church Simple Legacy Planned Giving Initiative provides your church with long term stability. Legacy giving is a lot less complicated than you think: Today, more than 55% of individuals do not have a will. Legacy giving is the most inclusive strategy for giving. Many older members hold the majority of their wealth in liquid assets such as land, small businesses or collectibles. St. Michael's Church can convene legacy conversations and provide consultation on these important decisions. For more information, call the church office at 843-723-0603.

For more information on tithing, donations, or making a bequest, please see our Giving webpage.  

Prayer Ministry

Prayer ministers are available for individual prayer during & after the 11:00 am service. To find out more about prayer ministry at St Michael's, please see our webpage.


SUNDAY, JUNE 25 - Informational meeting for our 11th Mission trip to India at noon in the Kinloch Room. More info: Jean & Johnnie Corbett,

June 4 - July 30 Diaper Drive for Lowcountry Pregnancy Center. We will have a drive-thru drop-off after the 11:00 am service on June 4!    More info: Diaper Drive

the spotlight is on our June Mission Partner: North Charleston Dental Outreach. Click this link for more info:  N. Charleston Dental Outreach

St. Michael's has mission partners in the Holy City (Charleston), the Hurting Coast (the US eastern seaboard), and the Hungering World (international partners). To find out more about our mission partners, and our week-long mission conference, the Global Impact Celebration, please see our Mission webpage

Do you want to make a Mission Offering? Please remember that ALL financial support for missions is generated through the GIC Mission Offering. None of this offering is used for operating expenses, and none of the operating budget is used for mission. Download this card to make a mission offering! Please return the card to the church office.  Mission Offering Card

Ar you interested in volunteering with one of our mission partners? Going on a short-term mission? Do you want to help with next year's GIC? Then fill out our Interest in Mission card and return to the church office.  Interest in Mission Card

Check out the June 2023 edition of the monthly Mission newsletter! 

Life at St Michael's

Historical Information - Check out our webpages on our History, Organ, and Clock & Bells.

Congregational Care - Do you know someone who needs help, a friendly card, or a meal? We don't want anyone to fall through the cracks! Please see our Care webpage for more information.

Baptisms - We love to baptize folks of any age! Please see our Baptism webpage for more information.

Confirmation - The purpose of confirmation is to bring children and adults to a mature commitment to Christ and to receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying of hands by the Bishop.  For more information, please see our Confirmation webpage. For adults who would like to be confirmed, please contact Greg Smith, For youth who would like to be confirmed, please contact  Will Kendrick,

Weddings - Please see our Wedding webpage for more information on weddings at St Michael's.

Life Groups - Life groups are small groups of 6-12 people that meet regularly for bible study, support, and to do life together. For more information, please see our webpage.

Is your ministry planning an event? Please download our Event Planning Checklist!

Bible Study Resources

Bible in One Year - a daily devotional that covers the whole Bible in one year

Bible Journey - an interactive, online course for the novice & experienced Bible reader

Bible study books by the Rev. Greg Smith

Turbo Bible for Men by the Rev. Al Zadig, Jr.    Link to Amazon

Volunteer Opportunities

We need volunteers! Please let us know you are willing to serve by clicking on this link: Volunteer Signup

Worship teams for all services: greeters, ushers, readers, acolytes, vergers    

Children's Ministry: teacher assistant     Info:

Youth Ministry: assistant youth leaders   Info:

Hospitality: assistants for Super Wednesday suppers or for special events. Info:

Task Forces: we have 11 task forces that direct and oversee all the ministries of St. Michael's. We would love for you to join one! To find out more, please see our Task Force webpage.