Michaelmas Institute


Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you  into exile and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.  Jeremiah 29:7

What is the Michaelmas Institute?

An Institute dedicated to undergirding the Four Corners of Law with Gospel foundation and practice. From both an historical and a spiritual perspective of these “four corners” St. Michael’s might rightly be considered the Cornerstone … the stone that is intended to fix upon the ground a particular orientation; the stone that will orient how the other three “corners” are set in place.  Therefore, in considering The Four Corners of Law in Charleston, it is The Law of God that was first laid and thus intended to be the basis from which justice is best defined and by which the practice of justice is best constructed.

What does the Michaelmas Institute do?

We want to do our part at St. Michael’s to be good stewards of where God has placed us and help Charleston, The Holy City, stay grounded upon the name it bears.  With this in mind we have identified five inititatives:

The Mustard Seed Ministry

A very simple ministry of welcome and blessing in the name of Jesus.  Several times a month a team of people welcome passers-by into the open doors of St. Michael’s, show them around, and offer them before they leave a blessing in Christ’s name.

Bible Study and Prayers

A Bible Study and prayer for judges and lawyers who desire to have their hearts and their practice stay centered and grounded upon Christian motives.  Their time is already too stretched and life too stressed. We want to establish a spiritual “oasis” point for any who desire it during the middle of the week. 

Courtside Ministries

We would like to start a chapter of Courtside Ministry here in Charleston. Courtside Ministry is chartered to bring the presence of Jesus Christ into courthouses all over our nation.  For Plaintiffs, Defendants, Attorneys, Judges, prayer is a Kingdom benefit available to all.  Courtside also has access to various community resources that can be of further benefit. Courtside Ministries currently has 116 locations in 19 states, although none yet in South Carolina.

Christian Legal Society 

We are investigating the possibility of establishing a chapter of the Christian Legal Society in conjunction with the Anglican Consultative Council.  The CLS can help attorneys stay abreast of ongoing changes taking place in our law schools and legislatures that have the potential to challenge and dramatically affect the life of The Church.

The Connection

Our meeting room facing Broad Street, The Connection, could be incorporated into these ministries as a place to gather that is easy and convenient to the courthouses at the Four Corners of Law.

Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.Micah 6:8

For more information, please contact the Director of Michaelmas Institute, The Rev. Ted McNabb at tmcnabb3951@gmail.com.