Three manuals and pedals, 40 stops, 51 ranks, 2,519 pipes, 6 couplers, tracker key action, mechanical stopaction with a parallel electric stopaction.
The organ case is restored to its original 1767 style and proportions.
Original case by John Snetzler.
It has been in St. Michael’s since 1767.
GREAT ORGAN Manual II (Snetzler Case)
1. Lieblich Bourdon 16’ Copper & 50% tin 58
2. Open Diapason 8’ 75% tin front pipes, gilt, rest 50% tin 58
3. Stop’ Diapason 8’ copper & 20% tin 58
4. Principal 4’ 50% tin 58
5. Open Flute 4’ 23% tin 58
6. Twelfth 2 2/3’ 20% tin 58
7. Fifteenth 2’ 50% tin 58
8. Mixture IV ranks 1 1/3’ 50% tin 232
9. Cornet V (mounted) mid C 20% tin 170
10. Trumpet 8’ 50% tin 62
SWELL ORGAN Manual III (under Expression)
11. Stop’ Diapason 8’ oak & 50% tin 58
12. Salicional 8’ copper & 50% tin 58
13. Voix Celeste (tenor c) 8’ 50% tin 46
14. Principal 4’ 50% tin 58
15. Wald Flute 4’ 20% tin 58
16. Doublette 2’ 50% tin 58
17. Mixture IIIIV
2’ 50% tin 210
18. Double Trumpet 16’ 50% tin 58
19. Cornopean 8’ 50% tin 62
20. Oboe 8’ 50% tin 58
CHOIR ORGAN Manual I (Snetzler Case)
21. Stop’ Diapason 8’ oak & 20% tin 58
22. Principal 4’ 50% tin 58
23. Flute 4’ 20% tin 58
24. Nazard 2 2/3’ 20% tin 58
25. Fifteenth 2’ 50% tin 58
26. Blockflute 2’ 50% tin, bass no. 25 40
27. Tierce 1 3/5’ 20% tin 58
28. Cymbal II 1 1/3’ 50% tin 116
29. Cromorne 8’ 50% tin 58
30. Grand Trumpet 8’ 75% tin 62
31. Open Wood 16’ wood, restored, revoiced 32
32. Sub Bass 16’ pine 32
33. Lieblich Bourdon* 16’ mechanically derived from No. 1
34. Quint 10 2/3’ 50% tin, bass No. 32 20
35. Principal 8’ copper and 50% tin 32
36. Bass Flute* 8’ 50% tin, bass No. 3 20
37. Twelfth 5 1/3′ extension No. 34 12
38. Choral Bass* 4’ 50% tin, bass No. 4 25
39. Mixture III 4’ 50% tin 96
40. Trombone 16’ copper and 50% tin 32
* denotes stops located in Snetzler Case
Couplers for Swell to Pedal, Great to Pedal, Choir to Pedal, Swell to Great, Swell to Choir, Choir to Great.
Tremulants for Great/Choir, Swell Combination System: 8 General Thumb Pistons, 8 Thumb Pistons each for Swell, Great, Choir, Pedal, Toe Pistons duplicating General and Pedal Pistons, Reversible Thumb pistons for couplers, Reversible Toe Pistons for Great to Pedal and Swell to Great, Switch for Great and Pedal Pistons combined. Pistons adjustable by setter piston, with 16 separate sets of memories. An ITT star card facility with readwrite unit at the console, storing all 16 sets of internal memory. Balanced Expression Pedal Adjustable Bench.
For more information on our tower bells, go to our Tower Bells webpage.
For more information on the history of St Michael's, go to our History webpage.