Reeves Howard

Reeves Howard

Reeves Howard

Junior Warden, 2024-2026

I am the 5th generation of my family to belong to St. Michael’s. Even though we didn’t live here until I was 12 years old, my mother made it clear that this was always my home. This church has been the only constant in my life. I was baptized and confirmed here. Billy and I were mar­ried at St. Michael’s in 2005. We have two children, Liam (10) and Samantha (3) who were both baptized here.

Although I was raised going to church and participating in church community, I did not have a personal relationship with Christ until after the loss of my sister in 1999. God used this painful experience to reveal himself to me. I attend church regu­larly, read Scripture, pray daily, and seek to glorify God. I feel called to minister to people who have lost their faith, been hurt by people in the church, and those who are not person­ally connected to Christ. I do this primarily through my counseling practice, but also in my interaction with family and friends.

We teach our children about Christ daily and practice our faith as a family. I help teach Sunday school. In the past, I have volunteered during VBS, been a Bell Ringer, and an usher. I would like to see the St. Michael’s children’s program grow. I am excited about the programs in place, and look for­ward to supporting its growth. I want St. Michael’s to become even more a place of peace, community, and fellowship, where members all feel connected to and support­ed by one another.