November 28, 2021

Why Church?

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Series: Advent

Advent is here!  The time we prepare for the coming of the birth of Jesus, AND His second coming!  Simultaneously we are also coming out of the tremendous Covid Crisis.  All to say, a great time to rediscover Church and understand again WHY the Body of Christ is essential (which is why I recommend the book above for Advent reading)!  Today we will dive into the Gospel of Luke and look at the end game of life and what awaits us.  So, make today a brand new start and a commitment to prepare for the birth of Christ by giving yourself in worship!

This sermon was given on Sunday, November 28, 2021.

Livestream recording of 11:00 am service: November 28, 2021

other sermons in this series

Dec 4


Fruitfulness and Joy

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Matthew 3:10–12 Series: Advent

Nov 27


Advent 1: WATCH

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Matthew 24:36–42 Series: Advent

Dec 19


Mary's Revolution

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Luke 1:39–56 Series: Advent