Advent:The Great Reversal

December 5, 2021 Series: Advent

Advent 2 Preview:

As is our long-time tradition at St. Michael’s Church, today we have our annual Instructed Eucharist.  The Anglican tradition of an instructed Eucharist is for the purpose of wiping the wax off our worship, getting down to the bare wood to remind us of this essential question:  “Why do we do what we do in worship?”  If we’re not careful, our worship can become rote, routine and stripped of its meaning!  Its why in the prophet Amos, we find God saying in chapter 5:21 these words:  “I hate, I despise your feasts, and I take no delight in your solemn assemblies.”  Why?  Because these liturgies had become a dead tradition!  

Advent, as we prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus and His second coming and judgement, is therefore the perfect time to explore again the ‘why’s’ of our worship!  May our traditions, and centuries old liturgies never lose their sharp edges!

Sermon Preview:  The Great Reversal

As we said last week, Advent is that great time for spiritual reset.  We reset to align our lives with Jesus, and to realize once again that nothing is ‘irreversible’ with Jesus!  Today we welcome out of Luke 3, John the Baptist.  John the Baptist continues the work of the prophets to introduce the fact that a great reversal of our sins is possible, a reversal that prepares us ultimately to meet Jesus face to face!

This sermon was given on Sunday, December 5, 2021.

Livestream recording of 11:00 am service: December 5, 2021


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