February 6, 2022

Life Giver

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Series: I Am - the Gospel of John Scripture: John 5:24–26, Genesis 22:1–13

Today is Sanctity of Life Sunday where we along with Anglicans all over the world celebrate that God is the author and creator of all life.  We take special time today as a church body to pray for a world where life is protected and cherished from the moment of conception to natural death.


Where did life come from?  Who invented it?  How did it come to us?  On this Sanctity of Life Sunday, and as we continue our preaching series in John, we come to Chapter 5:26.  Verse 26, is a pivotal verse we will examine and apply.  As we put our Biblical scuba gear on,  you will never look at life the same way again. 


The livestream recording of the 11:00 am service is at this link: February 6, 2022


other sermons in this series