June 26, 2022

Be Bold!

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Series: Acts Scripture: Acts 4:1–4, Acts 4:8–14, Acts 4:23, Acts 4:29–31, Matthew 10:16–20

Okay, today is about one word:  Boldness.  As we continue our summer preaching series in Acts, you’re going to hear the incredible story of how Peter (through the Holy Spirit) stands up with boldness to the authorities. As Peter does, he gives us an example of the boldness we need to live with as Christians today.  But time out…biblically, what does being bold mean? Follow along with me below today:


B: ___________


L: ___________

D: ___________


Okay, I’ll give you the answers in small print…

Biblical Obedient Loving And Devoted


The sermon can also be found in our livestream recording. Here is the link to the 11:00 am service on June 26, 2022:    6-26-22 Recording


other sermons in this series

Aug 28


Vision 2022

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Acts 24:1, Acts 24:10–16, Acts 24:23, Acts 24:27, Matthew 10:16–20 Series: Acts

Aug 21


Faith in Action

Scripture: Acts 21:8–14, John 16:1–4 Series: Acts

Aug 14


American Idol

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Acts 17:16–17, Acts 17:22–31, Matthew 6:22–24 Series: Acts