September 18, 2022

Your Call

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 3:1–15, Exodus 4:10–12, Matthew 4:18–22

Have you ever been called by God and said no?  Today we hear how Moses is called to lead Israel, and how Moses gave God two reasons why he wanted to say no.  God’s answer is priceless.  God has a call on each of our lives that cannot be denied!

other sermons in this series

Nov 20


Thus Moses Finished

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Exodus 40:30–38 Series: Exodus

Oct 30


Holy Space, Holy Place

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Exodus 25:1–9, Exodus 25:17–22, John 202:11– 20:16 Series: Exodus

Oct 23


The Ten Commandments

Scripture: Exodus 20:1–17, Matthew 22:34–40 Series: Exodus