Who Will You Invite? from Alpha USA on Vimeo.
Alpha is a ten week casual, fun and fascinating look at the Christian faith. It is designed for those seeking information about Christianity’s basics, but it also provides “veteran Christians” with a wonderful way to meet people and further explore their faith.
Upcoming Alpha Course
Mondays, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Starting September 9, 2024
Cllick here to sign up! Alpha Sign Up
For more information, please email Greg Smith at greg@stmichaelschurch.net
What is Alpha?
An opportunity to explore the meaning of life! Alpha is about building friendships with people…about great meals…interesting discussion…answering perplexing questions.
Alpha is a casual, fun, and fascinating course in the basics of Christianity. The evening course takes place over 9 weeks and involves “live” talk and small group discussion on the topic of the talk. Topics range from Who is Jesus? How and Why Should I Read the Bible? How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit, and what does that mean?
Why take the Alpha Course?
Both theology and the philosophy behind Alpha serve as the DNA of St. Michael’s Church.
The message Alpha offers is 100% scripturally-based, and wavers not an inch from God’s truth. However, the course also makes clear that, we welcome you where you are. Come explore, build relationships and share your point of view.
What steps do I take?
Alpha is “the gateway into St. Michael’s!” This is because the theology in the presentation is 100% in keeping with the Word being preached by our Priests. As a result, it’s a great way for newcomers to discover where we stand on a wide variety of theological issues. We use Alpha as our unifying baseline across our faith community. Alpha is offered both, in spring and fall! The clergy, staff, and our parish are uniformly committed to this ministry, and finding out more is as easy as asking the person next to you!
Alpha is for anyone…it’s simply, “a conversation with friends”!
Want to learn more?
To register or learn more, email Greg Smith at greg@stmichaelschurch.net