“Gospel Family Creative Time”
Hosted by Revs. Sean and Kate Norris of Dandelion Ministries
Saturday January 27, 2024 2:00 pm Chapel
Please let us know you are coming!
Use this link: Gospel Family Creative Time Registration
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What makes you “love much?” Join us for a dramatic retelling of Jesus’ embarrassing encounter with a woman who “loved much” and find out why she did! We will uncover how Jesus loves YOU that much too. Children of all ages will respond to the story with a bracelet-making craft for you to keep. You will also make one to give away! Every “extra” bracelet will be given to YWAM Missionary Claire Sullivan who loves and lives among women in slavery in Bangkok. She will use your bracelets to share how Jesus “loves much” these slaves and their families. We might even see some in heaven – wearing your bracelet! Hosted by Dandelion Ministries, the Revs. Sean and Kate and their daughters, Rhyan and Skylar.
Dandelion Ministries is a grateful part of the St. Michael’s GIC family and are artist missionaries on the hurting coast in Long Island, New England, and beyond! We create space for churches to receive the grace of Jesus Christ in their place of need through the Gospel and art, and then help them share it: Dandelionministries.org
The Revs. Sean and Kate Norris run Dandelion Ministries which creates space to encounter the grace of Jesus Christ in your place of need (DandelionMinistries.org). They do this through creative means - art music, blogs, the “Bad Marriages in the Bible (but big redemption)” podcast, and hosting folks in retreat at their Long Island home. Their two daughters are frequent partners in crime; together they created a YouTube channel called “Betsy Bible: The Gospel told by toys.” (Yes, they all goof around with their actual Barbies and toys in order to show God’s love for you in every Bibe story!) They host local outreaches such as Christian Creative Arts camps and monthly worship. They also run weekend retreats for churches using art, worship, Gospel, and evangelism. They are both ordained Anglican ministers, Trinity School for Ministry alumni, and artists (Sean sings; Kate paints). They planted a church in Pittsburgh, served at the Church of the Holy Cross in Charleston, and are now very grateful to be a part of the Anglican Diocese of New England where they lead the Reawakening Priority.