February 20, 2022

I Am

Preacher: The Rev. Series: I Am - the Gospel of John Scripture: John 8:31–39, John 8:58

Two words that have changed the world:  I AM.  

Jesus uses those two words to describe his identity saying:  “Before Abraham was born, I am.”  Today we are going to unpack those two most powerful words, and as we do we will find they (I AM)  have a direct application to the lives we lead.  Stay tuned.

Livestream recording of 11:00 am service: February 20, 2022

other sermons in this series

Mar 20


Do You Believe?

Scripture: John 11:17–26 Series: I Am - the Gospel of John

Mar 13


When the Lord is My Shepherd

Preacher: The Rev. Scripture: Psalm 23, John 10:11–18 Series: I Am - the Gospel of John