Holy Space, Holy Place
Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Series: Exodus Scripture: Exodus 25:1–9, Exodus 25:17–22, John 202:11– 20:16
Where is the Holiest place you’ve ever been? It may have been Jeruslaem, or a great English Cathedral, or perhaps where you are sitting right now! It may also have been your living room at home. Today as we continue our fall journey through Exodus, we get to a very holy moment for the Jews, that moment they begin building the tabernacle, the holiest of holies. They would soon find out how God would work through such a holy place, but also their role in building it. Stay tuned.
other sermons in this series
Nov 20
Thus Moses Finished
Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Exodus 40:30–38 Series: Exodus
Oct 23
The Ten Commandments
Scripture: Exodus 20:1–17, Matthew 22:34–40 Series: Exodus
Oct 2
The Night Death is Defeated: The Pass-Over
Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Exodus 12:1–14, Exodus 12:29–32, John 1:29–34 Series: Exodus