August 27, 2023

Priscilla-Homemaker for the Holy Spirit

Preacher: The Rev. Edward T. McNabb, Jr. Series: Leaders Who Follow Scripture: Acts 18:1–4, Acts 18:18–19, Acts 18:24–26

“Home” is a powerful word.  It is fundamental. It is a place of origin.  It is a place from which our lives extend; from which we “go out.” And (in the best sense of the word) it is intended to be restorative.  It is a place to which it is safe to return and recuperate, a place for re-equipping, and reenergizing.  A famous Psalm and one almost always heard at funerals is Psalm 121 the last verse of which is “The Lord will watch over your going out and your coming in from this time forth.” For Christians, therefore, ultimately and most fundamentally “home” is not a place, but a Person. Here is not home. Here is a place of pilgrimage. In reality and like our great ancestor Abraham we are all “tent dwellers”.  And it is the Person who dwells in the tent that makes our home “home.”

Prescilla was part of a dynamic Christian duo, a tent-maker, and a true “home maker”. She was also a Follower of The Way. Her home was Spirit-filled.  And this makes all the difference… to Paul, to Apollos, to countless others, and today in some way hopefully to us. 

other sermons in this series

Aug 13


Barnabus: Be Encouraged

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Acts 11:19–26 Series: Leaders Who Follow

Aug 6


Mary and Martha: The 1 Thing

Preacher: The Rev. Alfred T.K. Zadig, Jr. Scripture: Luke 10:38–42, Isaiah 55:1–6 Series: Leaders Who Follow