Alpha - an introduction to Faith

Have questions about faith? Want to go deeper in your relationship with God? Start with the Alpha Course.
Our next Alpha will start in January  check out our Alpha page for more details.


"I Like Mike" Newcomer's Course 

Get your questions answered about what we believe at St. Michaels, what is the history of St. Michaels and what is Anglicanism?  How can you become more involved?  Every Sunday at 10:15 am starting Sunday, December 8th in the Connections Room!


Super Wednesday

Food, Fellowship and Teaching
Fall Session September 11th  -  November 20th
Check out our Super Wednesday page for more details!

You can find links to all of our previous Super Wednesday and other recorded teachings on this page: Previous Super Wednesday Teaching

Life Groups 

Life groups are small groups of 6-12 people that meet regularly for bible study, support, and to do life together. For more information, please see our webpage.

Prayer & Bible Study Resources

Bible in One Year - a daily devotional that covers the whole Bible in one year

Bible Journey - an interactive, online course for the novice & experienced Bible reader

Bible study books by the Rev. Greg Smith

Turbo Bible for Men by the Rev. Al Zadig, Jr.    Link to Amazon

Personal Prayer Journal    Link to Amazon

Volunteer Opportunities

We need volunteers! Please let us know you are willing to serve in one of our ministries! Contact Kara Wilson at kara@stmichaelschurch.net

Worship teams for all services: greeters, ushers, readers, acolytes, vergers  Info: greg@stmichaelschurch.net

Children's Ministry: teacher assistant     Info: dee@stmichaelschurch.net

Youth Ministry: assistant youth leaders   Info: mckenna@stmichaelschurch.net

Hospitality: assistants for Super Wednesday suppers or for special events. Info: jeanine@stmichaelschurch.net

Task Forces: we have 11 task forces that direct and oversee all the ministries of St. Michael's. We would love for you to join one! To find out more, please see our Task Force webpage. 


Is your ministry planning an event? Please download our Event Planning Checklist!